Guest Interview with Brendan McManus - CEO of PIB Group
Guest Interview with Brendan McManus - CEO of PIB Group
19 in mainland Europe . It is a respect , Johnson goes on to say , which is only deepening as time goes by : “ One of the keys to our success has been through professionalising the way in which we integrate new acquisitions from a business operational perspective , a technological perspective and absolutely from a governance compliance perspective . We have to be very considerate of how we work for the interests of our customers .” However , as more companies are onboarded , the issue of mixed progress on the journey towards digital transformation becomes unavoidable . Establishing a strong baseline technology level across PIB was an important step in levelling-out the playing field . This was accomplished by utilising cloud to provide an easily scalable tech framework that could be deployed from the smallest to the largest new acquisition . “ I ’ m currently building a new data set that we can use to provide better customer service , propositions and advice to our growing customer base ,” Johnson adds .
However , although he has set out a clear vision for digital transformation , Johnson says that it hasn ’ t been
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