France : driving change in insurance risk resilience
“To understand risk , we look at current trends and how they have developed over time . We analyse data , and we partner with prominent experts ”
VINICIO CELLERINI HEAD OF CI CUSTOMER & DISTRIBUTION , ZURICH FRANCE technology , there are more traditional risks of inflation , cost of living , social unrest , and geopolitical confrontations that must be considered .
Vinicio Cellerini , Head of CI Customer & Distribution of Zurich Insurance Group , also assuming the interim operational management of Zurich France , says the findings of the Global Risk Report show that companies and entities must work together to overcome these problems .
“ In 2023 , we ’ ve faced risks that are at the same time both new and familiar . We ’ re experiencing a return of older risk , such as inflation , the cost of living crisis , and widespread social unrest and geopolitical confrontation . But also , at the same time , there is the threat of nuclear warfare . The most critical long-term risk , though , is climate change , according to the report this year .
36 May 2023