Randy Dray , Assistant Vice President – IT : “ The Smart Communications solution has allowed us to scale our business by enabling the creation of electronic policy packets for e-delivery from our rules-based , instant-issue engine . “ The Smart Communications communication platform has provided us with the ability to offer our customers options on document delivery . Customers can opt to
have the documents electronically delivered or printed . Additionally , we store all documents in a repository for fast , secure , and reliable retrieval for our Customer Service Staff ." engagement . The focus groups will enable Pekin Insurance employees to generate and sponsor ideas to improve the company culture and employee engagement . The aim for that improved level of input to lead to even more innovation .
“ We ' re going to continue to increase our focus on innovation , which we all know is key to attracting and retaining top talent . We ' re looking at things like hosting innovation events , hack days , and making innovation part of the DNA here at Pekin Insurance . I also want to increase our focus on development for our IT employees . We know that is critical to employees remaining satisfied at work and staying relevant in the industry .”
Monica Kemper , Underwriting Support Services , Pekin Life Insurance Company : " Smart Communications has allowed us to modernise our policy creation service on Term , Transitional , and Final Expense Products by automatically consolidating all needed corresponding material into one single policy packet and eliminating our old manual processes .”
62 July 2022